Gairm BOO Chiarraí ar Sheirbhís don Aos Óg
Tá Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí (BOO Chiarraí) ag cuardach eagraíochta a bhfuil taithí aici ar sheirbhísí a chur ar fáil do dhaoine óga trí mheán na Gaeilge, chun seirbhís don aos óg i nGaeltacht Corca Dhuibhne agus i nGaeltacht Uíbh Ráthaigh a chur ar fáil. Is comhoibriú é an tionscnamh píolótach seo idir:
- BOO Chiarraí /An Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige
- Muintearas Teo
- Comhchoiste Ghaeltacht Uíbh Ráthaigh
- Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne
- Dúchas an Daingin
- Glór na nGael
- Údarás na Gaeltachta
Beidh an tionscnamh píolótach seo á reáchtáil i gcomhair tréimhse 3 bliana ar a laghad (faoi réir maoinithe agus meastóireachta).
Ba cheart don eagraíocht atá á lorg ag BOO Chiarraí:
- Léargas a thabhairt ar dhea-chleachtas i ndáil le fís, modheolaíochtaí, rialachas, comhlíonadh, dearadh, seachadadh agus meastóireacht clár
- A bheith tiomanta do thacú le forbairt na Gaeilge i measc daoine óga i gceantair Ghaeltachta i nGaeltacht Chiarraí agus ina purláin mar atá mínithe sa Phlean Gaeilge don cheantar-
- A bheith sásta oibriú i ndlúthpháirt le pleanálaithe teanga áitiúla chun cur chun feidhme phlean oibre an tionscadail a chomhdhearadh agus tacú leis.
- Taithí ar a bheith ag obair le daoine óga spriocdhírithe idir 8-24 bliain d’aois a bhfuil riachtanais chasta acu, trí úsáid a bhaint as modheolaíocht oideachais neamhfhoirmiúil
- Feidhmiú i suíomh lasmuigh den scoil, lena n-áirítear sa tráthnóna, ag an deireadh seachtaine agus i rith saoire scoile
- Teacht ar thuiscint ar nádúr agus ar riachtanais daoine óga atá ina gcónaí i bpobail Ghaeltachta agus ina bpurláin agus freagraí oiriúnacha a thairiscint
- Teacht ar thuiscint ar agus cumas a léiriú chun oibriú le daoine óga trí mheán na Gaeilge.
- In ann freagraí éifeachtacha ar riachtanais an spriocghrúpa a dhearadh agus a thomhas
- A bheith tiomanta do chomhroinnt leanúnach na foghlama agus an chomhoibrithe agus a bheith toilteanach páirt a ghlacadh i samhail mheastóireachta taighde gníomhaíochta.
Glacfar le hiarratais go dtí 5pm, 31ú Márta 2025 agus ba cheart iad a sheoladh go leictreonach chuig BOO Chiarraí ag
Pacáiste Eolais ar fáil anseo- (BOO Chiarrai Call for Service Document 28.02.25 gle)
Foirm Iarratais ar fáil anseo- (Gaeltacht Youth Work Pilot Kerry Application Form 28.02.25 gle)
Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS) – Online Application 2024

The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS) supports volunteer-led youth club/group activities at a local level. Funding for the Scheme is provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and is administered locally by Education and Training Boards (ETBs) on behalf of DCEDIY.
The Scheme supports voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10–21. The primary focus of the Scheme is to assist local, volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically providing youth work, are also entitled to apply for funding under the Scheme.
To support the work of volunteers, and to ensure that quality standards are adhered to in their work with young people, DCEDIY has incorporated the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups (NQSVLYG) into the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS). This Application Form encompasses both elements.
To be eligible for funding from the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme, the club/group must satisfy the following criteria:
- It must be volunteer-led and it must be based on the voluntary participation of young people.
- 75% of the club/group members must be between the ages of 10 and 21.
- It must be able to clearly outline the benefits of club/group membership for young people who participate in its programmes.
- The club/group must adhere to the requirements set out in Section 2 of the Application Form.
- The club/group must be fully compliant with all requirements set out in the Children First Act (2015).
- All adult volunteers working with young people must be Garda vetted before they start volunteering.
- Appropriate insurance cover must be in place.
- Volunteers must have access to a first aid kit and must be able to use it correctly.
- The club/group must have a Health and Safety Statement, Policy or Procedures. (Note: this applies to clubs/groups that own premises. Clubs/groups that do not own premises must confirm that they have seen and operate to the building’s Health and Safety Policy.)
- Information on all aspects of the three Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups that have been met by your club/group must be included in your Application Form response.
- Clubs that were in receipt of Local Youth Club Grant Scheme funding in the previous financial year must complete the Club Report Form, and return it along with their application.
Please note that sports clubs/groups are not eligible to receive funding under the terms of this scheme.
LYCGS Guidance Note
LYCGS Statement of Assurance 2024
DPER 13.2014 Appendix 2
Youth Organisation | Name | Phone | |
KDYS | Gareth Harteveld | 068 23744 | |
Scouting Ireland | Southern Province Office | 021 4220020 | |
Foróige Regional Office | Regional Office | 021 4396521 | |
Irish Girl Guides | National Office | 01 6683898 | |
Kerry ETB | Seamus Whitty (Youth Development Officer) | 086 0409025 | |
For other queries, please contact Seamus Whitty (Youth Development Officer):
Seamus Whitty
Youth Development Officer
Kerry ETB Youth Development Office, Centrepoint, John Joe Sheehy Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry V92 P2FE
Tel: 086 0409025