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Kerry Education and Training Board Wins Talent and Skills Development Award at Irish Wind Energy Awards

Kerry ETB Irish Wind Energy Awards1

Kerry Education and Training Board (Kerry ETB) has been named the Talent and Skills Development Award winner at the Irish Wind Energy Awards. The award was presented in recognition of Kerry ETB’s innovative approach to developing talent and skills in the renewable energy sector.

Speaking about the award, Con O’Sullivan, Campus Manager of Kerry College Monavalley Campus, said, “This award is a reflection of the commitment and dedication of Kerry ETB to deliver innovative and high-quality training programmes. The Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship is an example of this, and we are delighted to be recognised for our work in this area.”

Kerry ETB has been providing upskilling courses for the Renewable Energy sector since 2015 and commenced the development of a dedicated Apprenticeship for the maintenance of large-scale wind turbines in 2018 in response to the industry’s requirements. The Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship was developed to meet the needs of the growing Irish Renewable and Sustainable Energy sector. It is a three-year apprenticeship for those seeking employment as qualified maintenance technicians in the wind industry. The programme is delivered through alternating blocks of centre-based and work-based training, allowing the apprentice to integrate knowledge and skills gained in the training setting with those acquired and consolidated in the workplace.

Owen O’Donnell, Director of Further Education and Training at Kerry ETB, added, “The success of the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team at Kerry ETB, as well as the support of our industry partners. We are proud to be leading the way in providing learners with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the growing renewable energy sector.”

This apprenticeship was developed in partnership with a consortium of key industry representatives and Kerry Education and Training Board as the lead educational provider. Colm McEvoy, CEO of Kerry ETB, said, “The development of this apprenticeship was significant in terms of supporting the sustainability sector. Great credit is due to all the team involved in developing the apprenticeship. Kerry ETB is very proud of this success in winning the Talent and Skills Development Award at the Irish Wind Energy Awards. We look forward to continued development and expansion of programmes to support the sustainability sector.”


Cllr Jim Finucane added, “The Irish Wind Energy Awards celebrates achievements in the Irish wind energy sector. We are delighted to have been recognised as leaders in the development of talent and skills in the sector. Kerry ETB’s success in winning this award demonstrates our commitment to providing learners with high-quality education and training opportunities in Kerry and beyond.”


The End




Kerry Education and Training Board (Kerry ETB) was established on 1st July 2013 under the Education and Training Boards Act 2013, as an amalgamation of the former County Kerry Vocational Education Committees. The Further Education and Training (FET) Act 2013 came into effect in July 2013. The Act established SOLAS with responsibility for the planning, funding and coordination of the FET services. Kerry ETB is a corporate structure that is made up of a democratically appointed Board and a management team. Kerry ETB is a geographically dispersed organisation with 38 premises throughout the county, providing Primary and Post-Primary Education, Further Education and Training (including Apprenticeships) and Outdoor Education. Kerry ETB also delivers courses in non-Kerry ETB premises in communities throughout the county.

Kerry ETB provides Education and Training opportunities to over 13,000 learners annually. Currently, Kerry ETB employs circa 1,300 staff working in various locations throughout County Kerry. Kerry ETB, in partnership with its members, staff and stakeholders are committed to creating and promoting the development of a lifelong learning society in Kerry, so that all who live there have access to the education and training required to fulfil their potential and meet their personal, social, cultural, economic and civic needs and desires. Kerry ETB’s core values centre on ensuring that every person has the right to access education and training opportunities to realise their potential. These core values are Respect, Quality, Inclusion, Equality and Learning. These values underpin the 5-year Sustainability Strategy developed under Section 27 of the Education and Training Board Act 2013.

Kerry ETB is a provider for SOLAS for the National Craft Apprenticeship Programmes. The services provided by Kerry ETB also include Primary level education in three Community National Schools and PostPrimary level education in eight Post-Primary Schools. Kerry ETB is also a committed provider of Youth Services, Creative Programmes and Music Programmes through the Youth Function, Local Creative Youth Partnership and Music Generation Initiative respectively. In 2019, Kerry ETB established first in the country, fully integrated College of Further Education and Training with five campuses across the county. FET provision is delivered across circa 23 centres in total, delivered in 10 towns countywide.


As a statutory agency, Kerry ETB holds the responsibility for the delivery of education and training services in Kerry. These programmes focus on raising the standard of education of all adults in the context of economic growth and the sustainability and development of communities. Kerry ETB is a provider for SOLAS for the National Craft Apprenticeship Programmes and delivers a range of programmes, including programmes aimed at providing learners with the required knowledge, skills and competence to progress to employment in the engineering sector. One of these programmes – the Wind Turbine Traineeship was implemented in 2014 and became highly successful at producing graduates of exceptional quality. It provided Kerry ETB with in depth experience of delivering training in this specialist area. The development of the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship was formed by that experience. It was developed by a consortium of industry representatives and Kerry Education and Training Board as the lead educational provider. November 2022 marked a significant milestone in Ireland’s Further Education and Training landscape with the first intake of Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician apprentices. This is a three-year apprenticeship for those employed in the wind industry who are seeking to become qualified maintenance technicians.

The programme is delivered through alternating blocks of centre-based and work-based training –
allowing the apprentice to integrate knowledge and skills gained in the training setting with those acquired and consolidated in the workplace. The company employing the apprentice must be a company that operates and maintains commercial wind turbines. Physical resources will be specific to that company’s OEM (Original Engineering Manufacturer) partner.


The Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship was designed to meet the needs of the growing Irish Renewable and Sustainable Energy sector. This apprenticeship was developed by a consortium of key industry representatives led by the Chairman – Robert O’Brien (Siemens Gamesa) and Kerry Education and Training Board who was appointed as the lead educational provider. On completion of this 3-year apprenticeship, a learner will be fully competent in the role of a Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician and awarded Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Industrial Wind Turbine Engineering. Each apprentice is given an opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the programme in the workplace while being guided and coached by a workplace mentor. To support the mentors in their journey, Kerry ETB organise Mentoring Skills Workshop prior to the apprentice commencing the on-the-job stage. More than 60% of time spent on the programme is with the employer. The introduction of an online portfolio tool – Student Diary Pro enables apprentices to record their relevant work-based learning and the professional attributes that they develop during the on-the-job stages of the apprenticeship. Learning to use technology
safely and effectively is a cornerstone of the teaching and learning experience at Kerry ETB


Experience that Kerry ETB gained during running the Wind Turbine Traineeship since 2014 justified the move towards the development of the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship. Kerry ETB also had an experience in delivering the Commis Chef Apprenticeship programme, which was the first in the ETB sector. Kerry ETB established the Quality Council, which also operates for the WTMT programme. Managing different aspects of the Commis Chef programme, including the CSG, Programme Board and Examination Board provided Kerry ETB with strong fundamentals for the WTMT Apprenticeship. Kerry ETB’s experience of managing apprentices in different employment environments, working with mentors etc. became highly beneficial when developing the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship. There are other flagship courses provided by Kerry ETB/Kerry College like Overhead Linesman and Fibre Installation Technician, which demonstrate Kerry ETB’s innovative approach to learning.


Kerry ETB recognised the shortage of training and education opportunities in the Wind Turbine Maintenance area and in consultation with a number of employers implemented highly successful Wind Turbine Traineeship. This was run in Kerry ETB’s state-of-the-art training facility since 2014 with very high placement rates for trainees involved. However, the entry requirements for this traineeship required potential trainees to hold one of the following: Advanced Craft Certificate in Electrical, Advanced Craft Certificate in MAMF or Advanced Craft Certificate in Motor Mechanic. This resulted in a very limited pool of applicants who could successfully commence this traineeship. The vast majority of applicants were not accepted onto the traineeship as they did not meet the entry criteria. The development of the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship has created a pathway into this career for school leavers and those who do not currently possess any of the prior qualifications.


Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship is an innovative, new and exciting 3-year apprenticeship that offers exceptional opportunities for those looking to establish a rewarding career in the Irish Green and Renewable sector. This is the first and only apprenticeship of its kind in Ireland. The apprenticeship was designed to meet the needs of the growing Irish Renewable and Sustainable Energy sector, with wind energy being currently the largest contribution resource of
renewable energy in Ireland. The apprenticeship will assist the industry meet current and future wind energy demands. The IWEA Energy Vision highlighted that wind energy production in Ireland could reach 10,000MW by 2030 which is more than double the current production rates. The report also noted that, for every 10MW of additional wind generation capacity, 13.6 years of maintenance employment is created. Therefore, the current needs of the industry will grow substantially in the coming years. The programme is industry-driven and employer-led. Figures published for 2018
recorded circa 4,000 people employed in the construction, engineering, operating and planning of wind farms. There are over 360 wind farms operating in Ireland where graduates of this programme will service and maintain turbines. In addition,graduates will hold a qualification that will enable them to move nationally throughout the industry. There is no current apprenticeship in Ireland, which provides the range of knowledge, skills and competencies needed for the role of wind
turbine maintenance technician. Whilst some of the requirements of this role are covered by the Electrical, Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitting and Motor Mechanic Apprenticeships – none provide all of the skills needed and most notably – the knowledge, skills and competencies specific to the maintenance of commercial wind turbines.

The apprenticeship will equip apprentices with the knowledge, skills and competence to inspect and maintain various wind turbine system components, locate and diagnose faults, replace components and reconfigure systems. The programme will help address the needs of industry as we continue to develop the sustainable energy sector, enhance energy security and reduce carbon generation in line with Ireland’s global environmental commitments. During the apprenticeship, apprentices
will undertake seven stages of training. Four of these stages, known as ‘off-the-job’ training take place at the state-of-the-art and fully-equipped wind turbine training facility at Kerry College Monavalley Campus in Tralee. Further three stages take place onsite with the employer – otherwise known as ‘on-the-job’ training. The apprenticeship is an incredible opportunity to get involved in one of Ireland’s fastest-growing industries. Ireland is going to need hundreds of turbine technicians to build and maintain the wind farms that will ensure we have a clean and secure source of electricity for our homes, businesses and communities. The Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship gives people a chance to play a part in Ireland’s energy revolution.


  • The WTMT Apprenticeship provides new and exceptional opportunities in the Green Economy.
  • Provides opportunity for those who wish to become a part of a really bright and sustainable future in
  • First and only apprenticeship of its type in Ireland and Kerry ETB is the only provider of this
  • There is currently no apprenticeship providing the range of knowledge, skills and competencies needed for the role of Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician.
  • Developed to meet industry demand for wind turbine maintenance technicians.
  • Over 60% of training time is spent with the employer.
  • Developed through mutual collaboration between Kerry ETB and the key industry stakeholders.
  • Addresses the needs of fast-growing wind energy industry.
  • The programme is delivered through alternating blocks of centre-based and work-based training, allowing the apprentice to integrate the knowledge and skills gained in the training setting with those acquired and consolidated in the workplace.
  • No tuition fees, no registration fees, no exam fees – training is 100% funded;
  • Leads to internationally recognised qualification – Advanced Certificate in Industrial Wind Turbine
  • Direct engagement with the employers (through CSG and National Programme Board) will ensure thatupdates to the programme are in line with changing industry needs.
  • WTMT Apprenticeship will provide rapid progression opportunities to more senior roles within the
  • Range of industry-specific certifications and tickets included.
  • The apprenticeship also targets those who, on achieving the qualification will seek to continue theirtraining by accessing a programme in this area at a Higher Education Institutes.
© 2025 Kerry Education and Training Board./Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20083243. Web Design Kerry by Egg.
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