Kerry ETB is responsible for the quality of its staff and for providing them with a supportive environment that allows them to carry out their work effectively. A training delivery, monitoring and oversight role is a function of governance – through the Quality Assurance Governance Board, the Programme Governance Board and the Quality Council. Programmes are delivered by qualified staff. National agreements and procedures apply to the various grades/descriptions of staff involved in FET delivery. Specific criteria regarding subject matter expertise will be defined for all new programmes.

Kerry ETB engages with ETBI and SOLAS regarding planning for staff training at a sectoral level. The ETB also liaises with the Further Education Support Services (FESS) who schedule a number of training events specifically for FET staff and eCollege who provide online courses in the IT area. Teaching and instructing staff are notified of scheduled training/upskilling activities through their line managers. The QA Unit delivers workshops and training sessions to staff across FET in Kerry ETB.
Kerry ETB upskill teaching and training staff so that we are best placed to respond to industry needs. It is the intention of Kerry ETB to move to providing more proactive training/upskilling activities. Training/upskilling activities will move from the ‘general’ to the ‘specific’- particularly in relation to supporting the delivery of courses that are required by industry. Kerry ETB recognises that the requirements of curriculums are not static. A particular focus has now been placed on addressing how to upskill teaching and training staff and the QA Unit maintains a central register of training/upskilling activities. The register will inform decisions regarding the allocation of ‘training packages’ to staff.
Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning (TEL) Guidelines 2021/2022
Technology is a feature of everyday teaching and learning that enhances classroom practice, facilitates universal design for learning and increases the digital competence of learners for learning, living and working. These TEL guidelines contain useful information and resources on how to engage safely and effectively with digital tools. The staff guidelines can be found here.