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Student Lifecycle

Student Lifecycle


This section covers information on how Kerry ETB quality assures the administration and progression of learners from admission to course completion, including our support services. The approach is guided by the Access, Transfer and Progression policy.

Kerry ETB operates a transparent approach on how learners are selected and enrolled on our programmes.  We also insure that there are pathways available to transfer between and progress from our programmes.

The Kerry ETB Admissions Policy provides information on eligibility, suitability and benefit of Kerry College courses.

Information on specific course and entry requirements is available via the Admissions office, Kerry College of Further Education and Training.  Please refer to the Kerry College website for the most up to date information as course content and delivery dates may change due to course reviews.

Applicants may request an appointment with Admission or Access and Pathway Information Officers to find out more information about specific courses and the admissions process.

The Admissions office provides a Career Guidance Service – offering free, impartial and confidential information, advice and guidance on education, training and careers options, which helps learners make informed educational and career choices.  This service is available to those who are interested in participating in Kerry College courses.  An appointment with a Guidance Counsellor can be made by contacting the Admissions Office.

Teaching, learning and assessment in Kerry ETB is provided through the medium of English and all applicants must show a level of competence in the English language.

All applicants must demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in the English language. For applicants whose first language is not English, compliance with English language requirements is necessary to participate in Kerry ETB Further Education and Training and Kerry College courses, as outlined in the English Language Requirements policy.

For current validated programmes, minimum entry requirements are published by Kerry ETB setting out:

    • minimum requirements for general learning
    • minimum discipline-specific learning requirements
    • minimum language proficiency requirements

For new validated programmes specific entry requirements will be detailed in the documentation.

Applications for Kerry ETB Programmes (with the exception of Apprenticeship Programmes) are completed electronically by the applicant through  The application process and recording of same for Apprenticeship programmes is through a National registration process managed by SOLAS.

Transfer and Progression

Kerry ETB offers a range of awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and provides for transfer and progression.

Kerry ETB FET programmes are normally divided into modules. Learners achieving an award are eligible to progress to a programme leading to another award at the next level up, where there is such an award in the same field of learning.  Where there is not an award at a higher level in the same field of learning, learners achieving an award may be eligible to apply through the Admissions Office for an award at the same level.

We offer supports in areas such as literacy, numeracy, English language, academic integrity and guidance to support the needs of individual learners and to help them to successfully participate in our programmes.  Details are in the Kerry ETB learner handbook.  The approach to supporting learners is guided by the Quality Assurance Manual.

Kerry ETB reports annually on the outcomes for learners using the Funding Allocation Requests and Returns (FARR) system. Principal/Campus Manager /Centre managers hold the responsibility for tracking learner progression.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Kerry ETB recognises prior learning, including prior accredited and experiential learning though its procedure for the Recognition of Prior Learning.


Applicants can appeal an admissions decision made by using the Appeals process outlined in the Admissions Policy. Learners can appeal an assessment results or the assessment process if they believe the assessment conditions negatively impacted on their assessment performance.


Our Complaints Procedure can be used if an applicant of a registered centre is unhappy about an aspect of our programmes and services.  

Customer Charter

Our Customer Charter describes the level of services that can be expected of us as a public service organisation.

© 2025 Kerry Education and Training Board./Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20083243. Web Design Kerry by Egg.
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