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Resources and Support for Learners

Resources and Supports

Learner guidance, academic support and psychological support is provided to learners enrolled in Kerry ETB courses. College principals/ Campus and Centre managers are responsible for providing information about learner support available to enrolled learners. Kerry ETB colleges receive a funding allocation to provide guidance and counselling sessions.  Kerry ETB hopes that each learner will have a learning experience that is enriching and rewarding. Kerry ETB has developed a Learner Handbook to give advice and information to help learners get the most from their time studying with Kerry ETB. It contains information on Getting to know Kerry ETB, Getting Ready for Learning, Getting Ready for Assessment and Getting to Know the Value of Your Qualification. It is for learners who are starting and attending courses in Kerry ETB centres or Kerry College Campuses on Kerry ETB programmes.  it also provides advice on the range of supports available to learners.

Learning Support Centres provide advice and support to learners in Kerry College Campuses.  In addition, Kerry ETB recognises the value of actively assisting learners to maintain their mental wellbeing. Within each centre, and for each course, a designated person is assigned responsibility to address learner concerns on a case by case basis. In addition, the Psychological Support Service is available to students in Youthreach centres. The Psychological Support Service responds to critical incidents that occur within the Kerry ETB FET provision.

Published resources that are available to support learners are listed below:

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Guidelines 2021/2022 

Technology is a feature of everyday teaching and learning that enhances classroom practice and self-directed activities. Engaging with technology will increase your digital competence and confidence for learning, living and working. These TEL Guidelines contain useful information and resources on how to engage safely and effectively with digital tools. The learner guidelines can be found here.

© 2025 Kerry Education and Training Board./Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20083243. Web Design Kerry by Egg.
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