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Information Management

Kerry ETB uses a management information system known as the Programme and Learner Support System (PLSS). PLSS is a national SOLAS/ETBI initiative. PLSS is used to manage course information, leaner records and reporting- providing the key data on FET course outputs and outcomes. PLSS provides a secure sharing, collecting and use of data system through four portals:

  • National Programme Database (NPD)- repository of FET programmes being delivered nationally.
  • National Course Calendar (NCC) –schedule of programmes. Data in the NCC is transferred to the Further Education Resource Hub – FETCH , allowing applicants to search, view and apply for courses online.
  • Learner Database – Data from FETCH online applications is transferred into the Learner Database. Further data entered at ETB level for enrolled learners creates a secure learner record.
  • An Assessment Management Information System is in place to record apprentice achievement on new Apprenticeship Programmes (SOLAS Service Agreement / MIS Moodle March 2017).
  • Funding Allocation Requests and Reporting System (FARR)-Kerry ETB ‘s rollout of PLSS means that centres plan courses annually in a linked system known as FARR. Data from both the NCC and Learner Database is transferred to the Funding Allocation Requests and Reporting System (FARR) and is used in SOLAS reports.

A single uniform information management system will provide oversight of both current and planned provision. Since January 2018 all Kerry ETB FET courses have been scheduled in the NCC. In addition, the Learner Database, (which manages applicant referrals, learner registrations and records data for retention, completion, accreditation and progression rates) is now operational across the service.

Kerry ETB has published its Data Protection Policy. The related record retention schedule defines the period of time for the maintenance and retention of records and how they are to be archived and disposed of. Kerry ETB has appointed a Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officer to manage these processes.


© 2025 Kerry Education and Training Board./Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20083243. Web Design Kerry by Egg.
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