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Creative Youth Grant Scheme Guidance 2020


Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership was established in 2019 to support youth creativity in an after-schools context across the county. It is funded under Pillar 1 Creative Youth of the Creative Ireland Programme, which helps to promote and sustain a learning ecosystem in which knowledge and creativity are equal partners in the formation of young people. The Creative Youth Grant Scheme is an opportunity for the county to apply for funding to assist the practice of youth creativity in Kerry in 2020.

The Creative Youth Programme in Ireland places particular emphasis on access for, and by, certain cohorts – such as vulnerable youth, male teens, those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds and new or minority communities. Ref: “Arts and cultural participation among children and young people – Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland study”][1] In Kerry barriers to participation remain for our children and young people in accessing opportunities to take part in creative activities. In July 2020, Kerry LCYP was informed that an additional €50,000 has been made available to Kerry as a result of the Creative Ireland Programme. Up to €20,000 of this fund is open to community based organisations, youth organisations, youth groups, Family Resource Centres and private sector providers of cultural and creative activities to develop youth projects that are highly creative, are not currently in place, that are led by young people and can be delivered by December end 2020.  Applications must clearly outline the benefits to young people and highlight how you will engage professional artists/designers/craftmakers or creative industry professionals to help deliver the project. Fees to professional artists is the element of the application which can be supported through grant funding. Budget support for the realisation of the project may be supported. Grants are forwarded on completion of the project and must be vouched. Applications are welcome and open to young people in towns, rural communities, targeted areas, youth groups and after-school groups. Artists/Creatives who are in receipt of the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Payment cannot be employed to deliver projects. Confirmation that creatives are not in receipt of the payment must be received by Kerry ETB. Grant funding can be in the region of €2,000 to €5,000. Applications for lesser or greater amounts may not be considered. Project costs can be greater but the grant funding request must be between €2,000 and €5,000.


Eligible Organisations/Services/Projects

The Grant scheme is open to youth focused organisations, communities and groups that maximise participation and minimise barriers to creative engagement in Kerry in consultation with the young people. 

  1. Target Group

Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership will target children and young people aged 3 to 24 in age.

  1. Guidelines for Applications


Complete the application form here

A copy of the applicant’s Tax Clearance Certificate and or Charity Reference No. must be submitted with the application.


Should you require some assistance in completing this Expression of Interest, please contact:

Deirdre Enright, Creative Youth Co-Ordinator, Kerry ETB, John Joe Sheehy Road, Tralee.

Tel: 066 7193900      Mobile: 085 8734946      Email:


  1. Submitting your Application & Deadline 

Applications from Organisations, Services/Projects and voluntary clubs/groups must be submitted by email only to by 5.00pm Friday 25th September 2020.


  1. Evaluation of the Grant Scheme

Kerry LCYP will arrange evaluation of the grant scheme to measure its impact. All successful applicants will be requested to participate in the evaluation process and complete a report programme and evaluation form for the project as part of the grant scheme.



  • Grants are not offered on a pre-funded basis. You will be notified of your grant award, after which you are expected to complete the project. Upon successful completion and the vouching of expenditure grant funding will be released. Grants awarded must be fully spent in by the 31/12/2020. This grant fund is not open to youth theatre in the county as a separate fund was offered to this sector earlier this year.
  • Applications should only be submitted for funding of projects that can be fully completed, vouched for and accounted for in 2020.
  • Any money unspent by a grantee by December 31st 2020 must be surrendered to Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership/Kerry ETB.


  1. Appraisal Process and Marking System

The proposals will be scored in accordance with the marking scheme set out below. The maximum score is 100 marks.


Award Criteria Marks Available
Evidence of need:

Applicants must clearly identify and demonstrate the need for creative programmes in their area. This should include providing supporting evidence of the following:

Ø  evidence from consultation with young people and any relevant research

Ø  evidence that an artist/designer/craftmaker/film-maker/creative industry professional will be paid to work with your organisation to deliver the project

Capacity to deliver:

Applicants must clearly demonstrate their organisations/services/voluntary club/group ability to deliver the proposed programme and that the services will be additional to existing work of the service/organisation.


Ø  the capacity of the organisation/service, voluntary youth club/group to deliver the proposed creative programme

Ø  that this programme is additional to existing work of the project

Ø  the duration, contact hours and estimated numbers of young people involved


The degree to which the applicant has demonstrated:

Ø  the difference the creative project proposal will have on young person’s life and situations

Ø  Monitoring and Evaluation of programme



Value for money:

Ø  The degree to which the applicant can demonstrate how the funding will enhance existing programmes and service delivery-avoiding duplication.



© 2025 Kerry Education and Training Board./Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20083243. Web Design Kerry by Egg.
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